Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hello, dear friends. If you've stumbled upon my blog, welcome! Perhaps you're here because of an interest in the subject of dreams. I've always had vivid dreams, but only until this past year have I realized that they in fact come from God and are an important way God speaks to us here on earth. I have many, many dreams and stories to tell, but for today, I'll start with one that's very precious to my heart, and that's because God spoke to a childhood friend of mine through a dream I had. It's wonderful knowing that God speaks to me in my dreams, but to think that He would actually use little old me to speak to one of my friends whom I hold dear to my heart is beyond amazing. When I had this dream about her, I first had a clear background in my own personal life in seeing how my dreams from God would come true. Otherwise, I never would have even remotely thought about confronting her with my dream. Second, I prayed and spent quiet time with God to find out if He wanted me to tell her about this dream. Receiving confirmation in my spirit that God did indeed want me to share this dream with her, I went ahead and did it, all the while taking a chance that she might think me a crazy person for telling her.

I emailed my mom and told her about what happened, so here's part of that email to my mom telling her about it and about Jenny's reaction to the dream. This all happened within a matter of 24 hours:

I had a dream that I was outside and saw Jenny. I walked up to her and saw that she had a little daughter, maybe around 2 or 3 years old, and she looked just like Jenny. I went up to her and picked her up to play with her. I started to twirl her around in the air, and suddenly she turned very rebellious, cursed at me and was being very defiant. I was trying to get her to stop, and Jenny was just literally lying in the grass, refusing to get up and discipline her. And my friends were standing around saying "Why won't she get up and do anything?" I got up the next mrng and tried to forget about it, but I couldn't. I felt like God was telling me to email her the dream. I didn't want to do it and offend her or feel like an idiot crazy person, but the nagging feeling to just do it persisted. So I emailed her the dream and said I don't know if this even pertains to you or a situation you're going through, but I felt like God told me to tell it to you.

She emailed me back and said she was totally freaking out b/c just the day before in her group prayer class, this new Christian had told her that she was being too controlling with Tiffany and to let up on her and give her more space. Jenny said she went home that night and really prayed about what to do. Tiffany, although she is 18, is somewhat mentally retarded somewhat and has the mind of a 15-year-old and is starting to become a little rebellious and want to do things that Jenny doesn't want her to do, and Jenny was asking God whether she should sit back and do nothing with her since she is an adult and 18 or still keep the tight discipline in place. She said she got up the next mrng and was still praying about what to do, and then she gets into work and saw my email. Jenny asked me, what do you think the dream means? Of course to me it was obvious, but I told her I couldn't tell her that, that she had to pray for herself to find the answer. So she did, we talked last night, and she felt like God was telling her to keep the discipline in place, don't let her do whatever, but still let up a little on some other controlling things she was doing.

Isn't God amazing! I'll update more in the coming days on other dreams I have had, and hopefully I'll catch up to the past dreams and can start blogging on my current dreams as I have them, because it seems like every night is an adventure. Stay tuned!

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